Wednesday, June 18, 2008

First Date Turn-Offs

When you decide to go on a first date with another person, you would naturally have certain expectations of him or her. And if the person fails to meet those expectations, that might well end up as a turn-off and there certainly won’t be a second date to come.
Some people find being late is a huge turn-off. Others can’t stand their dates chatting on the cell phone, leaving them waiting for the conversation to end. Talking about an ex in detail is also a big no-no to many.

So, for Love Q #8, let’s share this:
What would turn you off when it comes to the first date?
What had mentioned above is all a turn-off to me. And chatting on cellphone while you are there waiting is the very first thing. Its like he showing you that you are not important and he not giving you respect for that. Other turn-off for me is that bringing chaperon with him. For me, this shows that he can't stand alone.

Inviting all my friends in here to share and see all comments about this Love Q on tot's mom page.


Anonymous said...

Have to agree Mae, had one man make a point of saying 'wait while I turn the phone off so i can focus on you' I thought that was sweet...

and your right the mobile thing shows no respect... good point about being alone...

Audrey said...

Don't know of any guys who would bring along someone on a date. But I know of girls who did. Don't think it will sit well with me if I have someone who brings along another person when I thought it would be just two of us.
