Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Husband is learning

I attended CFO (Commission of Filipino Overseas) seminar in Cebu City last July 15, 2009. I posted about it in my other blogsite, "not only in the philippines". The seminar is mostly counselling and warnings to all Filipino women who are going outside the country, specifically to those who are petitioned by their foreign fiancees or spouses. They told us the risks and other things to be prepared to when going abroad. I told my husband about the said counselling. I told him that the nun (who were our counselor) asked us about each petitioner that we will be living with. The nun also asked if our husband/ fiancee do ever know words and sentences in our own dialect. And she challenge us to tell our husband/fiancee to learn our dialect and she added that if a husband/ fiancee can tell a story using our own language then he is surely inlove to us...hehe.. Well, after two weeks my husband just sent me today an email, and not just an ordinary email because he is using my dialect! (bisaya). And i am so amazed and very happy and of course very proud of what he did. Though not all the words he used were the exact words to be used but it's so romantic and makes me love him so much more..But to my husband, you still need to tell me a story when you go back here in Philippines in your next visit...I love you always and forever..

Check soon for more updates on my life....

1 comment:

♥ jaz ♥ said...

that is just the sweetest thing. my hubby surprises me with texts in tagalog some days. it's so cute. i told him to learn tagalog first before ilonggo or chinese :) CFO? for when u got your passport? i still haven't changed mine to my married name ugh! i dunno where to start :(
